12 Mar 2012

The Bachelor 2012 contestants are t learning at thing this season

on “The Bachelor” 2012 are not learning a thing this season, at least not from what they’ve seen on the show before. Does anyone ever pay attention to the consequences of their actions once the show is taped and airs on national television? When Shawntel Newton went on “The Bachelor” in the third episode the women quickly unveiled their sharpened claws and didn’t hold back one bit. It was one of those things where you just wanted to say, “Tell us how you really feel!”
How mean is it for one of the women to say Shawntel is uglier in person and that she had thicker thighs than her? Oh, I so hope that chic is feeling pretty lame about now.
I get that it’s the heat of the moment when the contestants are on a show competing for the affections of a man, but it’s so darn unattractive for them to be spiteful, jealous, and obviously threatened. Lindzi showed the most class by hinting that she wasn’t thrilled Shawntel showed up, but that in the end it’s not up to her how things play out on the show.
Courtney wanted to pack her bags and go if Ben agreed to have Shawntel say. Hmmmm….he either respects her more now for that or was turned off when he viewed that footage on the third episode.
You have to wonder what goes on behind closed doors when the star and his fiancee watch the season. Brad and Emily had big fights on the phone after each episode. What are Ben and his woman discussing Tuesday mornings? Wouldn’t you just love to be a fly on the wall listening to that!?
I emailed Shawntel and asked her if she wanted to blog here for this season, but her contract with ABC is limiting her options right now. She did tell me that this cast of contestants on “The Bachelor” 2012 is far worse than the group she had on Brad Womack’s season. That’s an understatement. A more mature group of women were on her season, for sure.
It’s no secret how I feel about this season of “The Bachelor.” I mean, way before Ben virtually showed no emotion towards Shawntel’s arrival, I couldn’t stand his wooden personality. The guy simply has no exciting qualities that I can see. Why would any of these women be interested in him? Of course, it’s just my opinion, but I think it’s rather hard to argue the fact Ben doesn’t get too worked up about anything.
On the other hand, I’ll say Ben hasn’t gotten to know these women on a deep level yet. Maybe I’m looking for this “Bachelor” to have some type of compassion towards the ladies, at least act like it. Brad did a great job of displaying that. Got him into trouble, too. Brad’s problem was he told every woman something they wanted to hear and look what happened. Talk about a big backfire! Emily sure didn’t appreciate his efforts to make the women feel good.
Again, I say, the contestants this season of “The Bachelor” haven’t learned a thing. That’s one of the things that makes this show so endearing in an almost unhealthy way. People like train wrecks and this show has more than plenty of them. It’s about people screwing themselves over, basically.

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