27 Apr 2012

Rhianna tweets a picture of her wearing no make-up... and looking great

She's one of the new breed of stars for whom less is definitely not more, unless you're talking about their skimpy clothing.
Because when it comes to make-up for Rihanna and her peer Lady Gaga or her friend, Katy Perry, it's all about piling it in, the brighter the better.

But the 24-year-old doesn't need any of it, as she proved today when she tweeted a snap of her without a scrap.
She looked beautiful, arguably more so than when she is made up for an event or a video.
Wearing what looked like a white lei, the singer's hair was natural too, one normal looking hue of brunette and tousled gently.
Barefaced chic: Rihanna posted this incredible picture on Twitter, she's wearing no make up at all How we're used to seeing her: Rihanna had full on red lips, made up eyes and a heavy foundation base
She was almost biting her lip, in the slightest of chuckles and looking into the camera from a downward angle.
It makes for a refreshingly candid shot of the young star, who is often aged by her dramatic warpaint.
On Wednesday, Rihanna was all dressed up at the Time 100 Gala where she was honoured as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
There, her mother, Monica Braithwaite, decided to discuss her daughter's headline-making alleged fling with Ashton Kutcher.
A cringing Rihanna told fans of her embarrassment by tweeting about the goings-on at the party: 'Well....2nt consisted of us singing Bob Marley, drinkin Vintage Scotch, and my mom thinkin a joke abt Kutcher was appropriate! #Thxtime100' (sic).
'Did you hear the one about Ashton Kutcher and my daughter?' Rihanna and her mother Monica at the gala
Her daughter being named as in company with some of the world's finest, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Duchess of Cambridge, didn't stop Monica from poking fun at her bedroom business.
Her mother's faux pas didn't annoy her famous offspring for too long, and the singer tweeted a picture of the pair together in a cosy snap in the back of their car.

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Pics: Edward! Bella! Jacob!

Attention, Twihards: stop bidding on the Breaking Dawn sex pillow and feast your eyes on the following photos.
Summit Entertainment has released a pair of new photos from the final Twilight Saga installment - first posted by our friends at Movie Fanatic - and we've got your early look below.
It's not an especially exciting early look, we grant you, it's just a glimpse at the newly-married Cullens and at Taylor Lautner as Jacob. But since when has anyone minded staring at these three, right? That's what we figured...
Edward and Bella in Breaking Dawn Part 2Breaking Dawn Part 2 Picture
Last month, Summit also unveiled the first Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer, featuring Bella as a vampire. It's rather awesome.
The Twilight Saga concludes on November 16.

The Bachelorette Spoilers 2012: Emily Maynard Men, Final Four Revealed!

Emily Maynard: The Bachelorette Portrait!Emily Maynard debuts as The Bachelorette May 14, and we're starting to piece together the coming season of the long-running ABC guilty pleasure.
The Bachelorette spoilers revealed thus far show that the men competing from Emily mostly range in age from 25-35, and are Caucasian. Shocker!
She'll meet a teacher, a gym owner, a model, a bunch of of executives, a big-name race car driver (seriously) and a Jef with one "f" (also seriously).
Emily Maynard, 25, won Brad Womack's season of The Bachelor, but that didn't work out. She bested Ashley Hebert, the previous Bachelorette star.
As he did then, Reality Steve has been digging like a madman for spoilers on the upcoming season for those of us who can't wait until the summer.
What has he found out through his mysterious unnamed sources? Quite a bit, and his track record would suggest it's more than a little accurate.
Come along as we reveal the men who will vie for the North Carolina native's heart - and the final four who are left standing! Who are the lucky fellas?
Follow the jump and let's get this party started!
Here's a roster of the men Emily meets on the season premiere May 14:

Ryan Bowers, 31, Evans, Ga., gym owner.

Jef Holm, 27, St. George, Utah, CEO of People Water.
Doug Clerget, 33, Tacoma, Wash., vice president at Kidder Matthews.
Travis Pope, 30, Madison, Miss., account executive for the Clarion-Ledger.
Aaron Martell, 35, Los Angeles, science teacher at Los Angeles High School.
Kalon McMahon, 26, Houston, Texas, model.
Sean Lowe, 28, Dallas, Texas, fitness model/insurance agent.
David Homyk, New York, musician.
John Wolfner, St. Louis, Mo., co-owns CitiShred with his father, Greg.
Nathan Bakke, 25, Los Angeles, CPA at Ernst and Young.
Tony Pieper, 30, Portland, Ore., fitness model and lumber trader.
Kyle Dillon, 28, Long Beach, Calif., financial adviser for Morgan Stanley.
Chris Bukowski, 25, Chicago, sales Manager at the Sears Centre Arena.
Arie Luyendyk Jr., 30, Scottsdale, Ariz., former Indy Car driver.
Michael Nance, 26, Austin, Texas, musician.
Charles Grogan, Nashville, Tenn., volunteer at Monroe Carroll Jr. Children's Hospital.
Of the initial 25 men, 16 of which have been identified above, these four make it to the final four for the coveted homedown dates with Emily Maynard:

  1. Jef Holm: 27, St. George, Utah. He’s the CEO of People Water.
  2. Sean Lowe: 28, Dallas, Texas. Fitness model/insurance agent
  3. Chris Bukowski: 25, Chicago, Ill, Sales Manager at Sears Centre Arena.
  4. Arie Luyendyk Jr.: 30, Scottsdale, Arizona. Former Indy Race Car driver, and son of two-time Indy 500 Champion Arie Luyendyk Sr.
Chris' hometown date shot in Chicago on Friday (April 20), Jef's was on Sunday, Arie's was Tuesday and Sean's hometown date is tomorrow (April 26).
Additional cast members, pics, and week-by-week date information will be posted as that information becomes available. Check back often and stay tuned!

American Idol Results: Down to Five

Following a performance night that saw the remaining American Idol contestants cover both Queen and a song of their choice, six finalists awaited their fate this evening.
American Idol 6And after both Stefano Langone and Katy Perry took the stage, we were left with Elise Testone, Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine in the bottom three. There's no way viewers were voting out Laine, right? Right?!?
Instead, Elise Testone heard her name called by Ryan Seacrest to conclude the episode. The soulful crooner bid farewell via "Whole Lotta Love," as J. Lo got up and danced and the crowd offered one final ovation.

Bieber Screamers! Go to school? Not when you can stand in the rain chasing pint-sized teen pop star!

We're the Bellebers: Three teenagers waited hours to catch a sight of their idol, now he's gone they are inconsolableEvery 20 minutes or so, 300 girls jump up and down, pull at their hair, sob and let out hysterical, traffic-stopping screams. ‘Is it him? Is it Justin? Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I love you so much!’
And then — yet another false alarm — they sit down again and get back to bickering about who loves Justin Bieber the most.
‘Oh my God, I adore him. I dream about him every night.’

Making a move: Justin Bieber leaves his London hotel on the way to the airport, as his adoring fans scramble for a glimpse ‘No! I love him more. He’s my inspiration. He’s my idol. I love everything about him — apart from his girlfriend.’
Welcome to Day Four of the Justin Bieber vigil outside the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington, West London where — despite a week of torrential rain and buffeting winds — spirits are high.
‘I’ve seen him three times getting into the car and I even saw his bare chest,’ shrieks Carly, 14, from Walthamstow. ‘This is the best week of my life.’
Like Carly, hundreds of girls have been here since Monday, waiting and waiting and waiting to see the Canadian pop sensation and shrieking every 20 minutes or so, just in case.
Mayhem: Oblivious to the surrounding traffic, Justin Bieber fans chase his car down Kensington High street
Hordes: Justin Bieber's car is swamped by screaming schoolgirls desperate for one last chance to see their idol

They have no shelter, no sleeping bags (‘We didn’t think to bring one’), no proper food (they’ve been living on Red Bull and Big Macs), but all sport bulging make-up bags.
Nearly all of these young girls should be at school. In fact, many are wearing their uniforms.
‘We haven’t been to college for four days,’ says Paige, 16. ‘But at the moment Justin Bieber’s more important than my GCSEs. My parents think I’m crazy but they don’t understand how much we love him.’
Emmen, 11, and Oceanne, 12, from Gatwick, have come in their school uniforms. ‘I don’t care if anyone says I’m too young,’ says Oceanne. ‘He’s hot and sexy and I love him.’
So she and Emmen bunked off school and walked an hour across London from Victoria station. ‘We didn’t have a map, so we asked every single person we saw if they knew the way to Justin Bieber.’
Little inconvenient? It certainly takes Justin a while longer to get out of the door than most
For anyone not up to speed on teen pop idols, Justin Bieber is a pop star from Stratford, Ontario.
He is 18 years old, a Christian, possibly a virgin (he swore an oath of chastity to his mother but doesn’t seem to wear his chastity ring any more), is worth £65 million and has sold eight million records.
The film of one of his concerts, Never Say Never, grossed over £62 million.
He has nearly 21 million Twitter followers (recent tweets include ‘who am i? the luckiest guy on the planet. im a fighter for what i believe in but i have millions next to me. Thankyou’) and gains a new follower every second.
Apparently, three per cent of all conversations on Twitter are about Justin. His fans are called ‘Beliebers’ and are extremely dedicated.
Clear the way! Eventually the fans were forced to disperse
Alaa, 16, from Ruislip, got up at 4am this morning to plan her outfit and straighten her hair. ‘He means everything to me.
I’ve got 60 posters of him and I do all my school projects about him. My dad said I could come — but he only lets me bunk off school for Justin Bieber.’
After a week under siege by Beliebers, the forecourt of the Royal Garden Hotel is looking a bit tired. The flowerbeds are full of empty Red Bull cans and McDonald’s milkshake cups.
The ornamental bay trees have taken a battering. And the pavement’s daubed in Bieber graffiti — ‘I love JB’, ‘Justin Drew Bieber we love you’ and, tucked away at the back, ‘Justin 4 Derek’.
No one seems remotely discouraged by his religious principles or that (theoretical) virginity.
‘So what? Who cares? We’ll convert. We’ll go to church’.
They are, however, rather ageist. 
‘There was someone here last night who was 23! That’s wrong. And there was a 25-year-old as well. That’s way too old — older than him even!
‘It’s inappropriate. They should find someone their own age. And, oh my God, look at that woman over there. She’s really old but she says she’s a really big fan.’
Bianca, 15, from London, has been here 12 hours a day all week. ‘I’ve seen him three times,’ she says proudly.
‘I haven’t actually touched him, but I saw when he lifted up his shirt — it was that window just up there. Oh my God, he is so hot.
Star attraction: Justin Bieber has received a rapturous welcome to London, with hordes of fans camping outside his hotel
Star attraction: Justin Bieber has received a rapturous welcome to London, with hordes of fans camping outside his hotel
Grateful: The star has taken to Twitter to thank fans for their welcome ‘We all went mad — we screamed so loud. And one night he was dancing for us in the window while we were all singing.
Apparently, he’s sworn to chastity by his mum, but that wouldn’t bother me. I wouldn’t want to be one of the girls who just date him. I would rather be his best friend.’
And with that, she unfurls and starts reading from a crumpled note she has written for Justin in purple and pink felt tip pen.
‘Justin, I hope you get this. Me and Amanda have missed college and school every day this week to see you. We love you more than you can imagine.
We hope we get tickets to your Believe concert. We love you. Please come back to London soon.’
And look, I’ve put our Twitter names on the bottom so he can start following us online.’
Wow. Does he follow his fans back?
Always has time: Justin smiled as he waved to his fans as he left the hotel today
Always has time: Justin smiled as he waved to his fans as he left the hotel today
‘Yes! He picks some to follow. He doesn’t follow us, but he follows her,’ she says, pointing in awe to a 16-year-old girl with long dark hair called Miriam Kouadri, who claims he started following her a couple of months ago, completely out of the blue.
After three hours of waiting and nothing to watch other than his security guards popping out for the occasional fag, I am beginning to flag. I clearly don’t have the stamina to be a Belieber.
So what if he did pop out and stand here, right in front of them, ready to answer anything they wanted to know — what would they say?
‘We wouldn’t be able to speak. We’d start screaming and crying. We’d die.’
Five minutes later, they get their chance. Suddenly — and this time it’s not a false alarm — Justin Bieber bursts out of the hotel wearing an enormous pair of red tracksuit trousers, black top and vast sunglasses.
He is tiny. Like a miniature person. He would fit in the glove box of the big black Mercedes waiting for him.
But first he does a quick walk along his wall of screaming fans, reaching out to touch a few desperate, grasping hands. It is carnage. The screams are now deafening. Everyone is crying.
Taking his time: Justin recently revealed that he doesn't intend to marry for another ten yearsTaking his time: Justin recently revealed that he doesn't intend to marry for another ten years
Girls are clambering over the wall, trampling on the flowers, frantically trying to push past the security guards.
His security guards close in, post him like a parcel into the Mercedes and they pull away. But the Beliebers give chase. They swarm into the road, running in front of buses and taxis leaving a trail of shoes and schoolbags in their wake.
Bianca is standing in front of the Mercedes. Everyone else is bashing on the boot, licking the windows, banging on the doors. One girl is on the bonnet. A security guard has to get out and swear at her until she slides off and the car starts moving.
And then, he’s gone. Everyone is weeping and wailing. Dozens of girls are hyperventilating. A chosen few have touched him.
Like Bianca. Who will never be the same again.
‘Oh my God. Oh my God! OH MY GOD!’ she sobs. ‘I stood right in front of the car and it was moving. I didn’t even care. I just wanted to touch him. His bodyguard got out of the car to push people back and I put my hand in and he slapped my hand. I touched him! I touched Justin Bieber. Oh my God.
‘I can’t believe it. I can’t even breathe. It’s the best day of my life. I’m so, so happy.’

You look belting, Kate: Duchess adds extra sparkle to her little grey dress

Kate the Great: The Duchess looked stunning in her simple grey dress as she appeared at the Imperial War Museum last nightLike any queen of fashion, Kate knows real style is all in the detail.
So when she arrived at a reception last night in the simplest of dresses, the Duchess of Cambridge made sure her accessories added that little bit of extra sparkle.
She looked stunning in a £450 Amanda Wakeley panelled charcoal dress, which showed off her slim figure.
Then she added a little pizazz with a striking gold belt and a £500 pair of black Prada stilettos, the height of elegance. But Kate wasn’t finished yet. With such a simple dress, a girl can afford to pull out the stops with an elaborate hairstyle.
The duchess decided on a half up-do, with some curls twirled into a loose bun, and the rest cascading down her shoulders.
She also carried a black purse-style evening bag and wore dangling gold earrings.
Kate liked her dress so much, from Amanda Wakeley’s autumn 2011 range, that she bought it in three different colours.
She and William were the star guests at a fund-raising reception at the Imperial War Museum in London last night.
It had been a busy day for the couple who had been carrying out engagements across the capital.
Earlier Kate and William had enjoyed a spot of baby cuddling duty as they met soldiers at a reception.
Nestled in William’s arms, the newborn boy looked perfectly comfortable. More importantly, so did William.
The prince, 29, cuddled three-week-old baby Hugo as he and his wife met a remarkable group of British soldiers. Kate, too, cooed over the baby, the son of a soldier who had joined a recreation of the Scott-Amundsen race to the South Pole to mark the 100th anniversary of the ill-fated expedition this year.

Doting husband: As their first wedding anniversary approaches, Prince William gently puts his arm round his wife Kate last night
Vic Vicary, a member of the Scott Team, said his son’s full name – Hugo Eric Scott – was a tribute to Captain Scott as well Mr Vicary’s father who died in March.
‘The duke liked the name. He thought it was very apt.
‘My wife asked if he would like to hold him and he took hold of him,’ said Mr Vicary, 41, from Cornwall, a Warrant Officer Second Class with The Rifles.
He said William was a ‘natural’ with children. And Kate also seemed to fall under his spell.
‘Kate said the baby was “very cute” and had doting eyes on him,’ Mr Vicary said.

'It's NOT me': Kim Kardashian vehemently denies nude photo scandal as she steps out in very tight trousers

Check mate: Kim today lapped up the attention in checked trousers, a white shirt and her favourite black platform heels in New York Denial: Kim Kardashian, pictured here showing off her famous behind on a shopping trip in Manhattan today, has denied being involved in a nude shoot doing the rounds on the internet She has long put the scandal involving herself, a former boyfriend and a sex tape behind her.
And so Kim Kardashian moved quickly today to deny she is the woman featured in a nude photograph which has hit a number of websites.
'It's not her. You can totally tell. It looks nothing like her,' a spokesman for Kim told Mail Online.

The photograph, which shows a naked dark haired woman frying eggs, was first featured on blog TheDirty.com, before making its way onto website Media Takeout.
And Kim looked decidedly unruffled by the scandal as she strolled through New York today.
Wearing a rather unflattering pair of high waisted checked trousers, she smiled and waved to fans before going to lunch with friend Jonathan Cheban.
Teamed with a white blouse and her favourite towering heels, Kim looked in good spirits, as it emerged there are no limits to mother Kris Jenner's ambitions when it comes to their reality show enterprise.
The reality showbiz matriarch is said by HollywoodLife.com to be keen for Kim Kardashian to continue to date Kanye West so he can eventually get his celebrity friends involved in the show – including Beyonce and husband Jay-Z.
Lady who lunches: Kim stepped out with PR friend Jonathan Cheban today A source told the website: 'One of the main reasons she so approves of Kim and Kanye’s romance is the fact that Kanye has tons of celebrity friends.
'Kris has her ways and it wouldn’t surprise me if the cameras captured Kim and Kanye on a double date with Beyonce and Jay-Z.'
As she was: Kim did, however, share this old bikini shot of herself as inspiration not to tuck into another cupcakeShe is believed to be even speaking to Kanye to convince him to ask his celebrity friends to take part.

The source added: 'Kris is doing her best to convince Kanye to arrange the double date. Believe me, it’s hard to say no to Kris!'

Big bucks: It emerged today that the Kardashians have signed a $40 million deal for three more years of their reality show
Earlier this week it was reported the Kardashian family had signed a new three-season, $40 million deal with the E! network.
The seventh season of the show is due to begin on May 20, and the new deal does not include all of the associated products and brands which comes with the family