24 Mar 2012

Angelina Jolie on Oscar Pose Craze, Controversy: I Don't Even Pay Attention

Angelina Jolie's Oscar night pose got 10 times the attention of the Best Picture winner, but the actress says she doesn't even pay attention to that noise.
Despite spawning a hilarious photoshop trend (below, right) and even her own Twitter hashtag (#jolieing), she didn't even realize there was a media craze.
In other words, when you're this cool, you make the news. You don't read it.
Angelina Jolie at the OscarsAngelina Jolie Spreads 'Em
The woman with the most revealing, famous right leg in the biz tells the Huffington Post, "I honestly didn't pay attention to it. You know what I mean?"
"I don't watch the shows and if I go online and see something about myself, I don't click on it. And the people I surround myself with don't really talk about that kind of stuff ... I did hear something, but I didn't pay any attention."
"It's as simple as being a woman, picking out a dress you like and having a good night, and not really thinking about anything else."
Yeah right. More people feel sorry for Kim Kardashian getting flour bombed than believe she posed like that naturally, then didn't revel in the attention.

Kim Kardashian embarrassment: Attacked by Woman, White Powder

This is so not kool, people.
During an event at the London Hotel in West Hollywood last night, Kim Kardashian was walking the red carpet when a woman ran up and tossed white powder all over the reality star's back and hair.
You can see the before-and-after shots from the fragrance launch below, with Kim being led away, following the assault, in the latter photo:
Kim Kardashian on a Red CarpetKim Kardashian White Powder Pic
The fire department was called in to determine the powder was simply cooking flour and police have detailed the assailant, who really is a moron.
If you aren't a fan of Kim Kardashian, ignore her on Facebook and Twitter. Don't make her sympathetic in the eyes of the public and definitely don't give her a reason to make more headlines.

Whitney Houston Cause of Death: Heart Attack, Cocaine

The Los Angeles County Coroner has released the official cause of death for Whitney Houston.
According to the report, the singer passed away due to an "accidental drowning" that was related to heart disease and also the presence of cocaine in her system.
A Final Image of Whitney Houston
An insider tells TMZ that it's "very possible" the heart attack caused Whitney to pass out and fall under the water. It's also likely this was triggered by the use of cocaine. It should be noted, however, that no cocaine was found in the hotel room where Houston passed away.
Law enforcement officials have said from the beginning that no foul play was involved in the tragedy and nothing in this report suggests anything different.
Perhaps now folks such as Nancy Grace can let Whitney rest in peace.
UPDATE: Coroner Chief Craig Harvey said in a news conference that evidence points to Whitney as a "chronic" cocaine user and that the traces in her system were "acute," meaning she took the drug immediately prior to passing away.
Other substances in her system at the time included: marijuana, Benadryl, Flexeril, and Xanax. They played little to no role in her death.

Jersey Shore: Looking to Phase Out Snooki and The Situation?

With Snooki pregnant and engaged (!) and The Situation in rehab, the producers of Jersey Shore are obviously concerned. For the stars, sure, but mostly for the show.
Apparently they are worried the show will lose its edge - being a show about a bunch of drunk, sex-crazed rowdies - and are looking to phase the two out.
Newer, crazier cast members are apparently being sought.
Snooki Promo PicYeah We Got a Situation!
MTV released a statement earlier this week, after Mike admitted his substance abuse problem, claiming it expects the entire cast to return for Season 6.
However, sources close to 495 Productions say the company is quite concerned about the recent events and wants to keep things fresh above all else.
If that means bringing in new JS cast members to help transition the show into a new generation, while still keeping old fans hooked, then so be it.
495 plans to limit Snooki and Situation's roles on the new season, giving the new cast members more screen time instead. Filming begins this summer.
Would you watch Jersey Shore without Snooki and Mike?