29 Mar 2012

Rihanna Smacks Down Reporter Over Ill-Timed Ashton Kutcher Question

Rihanna politely put a reporter in her place after being asked a question about her alleged recent dalliance with Ashton Kutcher at a press conference in London this week.
In the UK promoting her new film Battleship, Rihanna was asked by a ballsy member of the press if the Two and a Half Men star would be visiting her there.
Her response? Far from rude, but even farther from happy:
Rihanna Smacks Down Reporter
Rihanna Smacks Down Reporter
"Wow ... how disappointing was that question," the 24-year-old singer replied, adding pointedly, "I'm happy and I'm single, if that's what you're really asking."
Demi Moore is glad she cleared that up. The rest of us are just scratching our heads at how that even came up at a big-time press event for Battleship.
Rihanna and Ashton Kutcher allegedly hooked up earlier this month, though there is no proof of this other than a report that she visited his pad late night.
There were no photos and TMZ even took down the story, making it even wilder that someone had the nerve to ask a made-for celebrity gossip question.

Lindsay Lohan: CLEARED in Probation Case!

Lindsay Lohan has completed all required probation steps stemming from her infamous jewelry heist, and was rewarded by Judge Stephanie Sautner today.
At her final probation hearing today, the actress received the thumbs up from the court, which downgraded her status - from formal to informal probation.
Long story short, Lindsay won't have to report to a probation officer OR appear in court, provided she doesn't break the law for the next two-plus years.
We know. Not a given by any means. But good for her.
Lindsay Lohan Final Court Date
Judge Sautner noted that LiLo's no longer on probation for DUI charges, but the necklace case still technically looms over her head until May 24, 2014.
Sautner said, "I know it's kinda hard when people are following you all of the time, but it's the life you chose. Stop nightclubbing and focus on work." 
Asked if she had any final input before departing what is hopefully her last ever hearing, Lindsay said, "I just want to say thank you, Your Honor, for being fair."
"It's opened up a lot of doors for me. I really appreciate it."
Smart girl. BTW, Lindsay arrived wearing a teal blazer and suit pants by Givenchy, Celine, and The Row. This girl knows courtroom fashion like no other.