22 Apr 2012

Who's Your Favorite Celebrity Stoner?

Soulja Boy, Weed
It's a great day to be high ... on life here at THG.
While the origins of 420 remain hotly debated, but no matter where the term came from, peeps associate it with smoking massive amounts of the marijuana!
So be it then. The 20th day of April has become a de facto holiday, and for good reason. What more of a justification do you need to celebrate than that?
With that in mind, The Hollywood Gossip salutes some famous individuals who have been known to puff the herb from time to time. Some even inhale ...
Soulja Boy. Soulja Boy's rep explains the above image, Tweeted this week, as being taken inside of a California marijuana dispensary earlier this month.
Soulja allegedly just wanted a pic and didn't try to buy any of it ... but the guy was also arrested recently with major amounts of weed, guns and cash.
Bobbi Kristina Brown Bong VideoBobbi Kristina Brown. The worst thing about the Bobbi Kristina Brown bong video that recently surfaced? Few people were actually surprised by it.
After all, if anyone knows how to clear a three-foot piece with relative ease ... okay that was still pretty surprising. Girl needs to get some help ASAP.
Bill Clinton. As President of the United States, William Jefferson
Clinton presided over the largest peacetime economic expansion in American history.But boy, was he a terrible liar. The Lewinsky debacle was technically worse (with perjury charges and all), but "I didn't inhale" was his most absurd moment.
Jeff Bridges. He played The Dude! Enough said, really. But to further our argument for his inclusion, we suggest reading these Big Lebowski quotes.
Matthew McConaughey. Is that guy ever not stoned? Or shirtless?
Bill Clinton: I Never InhaledMichael Phelps. After absolutely smoking the competition in the 2008 Summer Olympics, the swimming god made waves for smoking out of a bong.
You could say that Phelps took the most expensive hit ever, considering he lost at least one major sponsorship based on it. See what we did there?!
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Okay, so the only reason he's on this list is because of the above video. Watch it and you'll understand why pretty quickly.
Cheech & Chong. "Comedy based on the hippie and free love era, and especially drug culture movements, most notably their love for cannabis." - Wikipedia.
Rihanna. These Coachella pics say it all really.Bill Maher and Zach Galifianakis. The latter truly blazed new trails on late-night TV Friday as he produced and lit a joint on HBO with the former.
Anna Faris. A TOKEn female inclusion, perhaps, but a very worthy one.
Brooke Mueller. She prefers harder drugs, but digs pot too.
Woody Harrelson. Hippie loves the hemp. Enough said.
The entire cast of Pineapple Express. Classic weed films abound, but this Judd Apatow vehicle from the modern day stoner crew takes the cake.
We could debate for hours on end which alternate films could have been included here, but our brain cells are just too depleted to care at this point.
Besides, check out James Franco and Seth Rogen's classic MTV Movie Awards appearance. That's some serious dedication to the cause, people!
Chace Crawford Mug Shot
Chace Crawford. The Gossip Girl star didn't do anything particularly noteworthy, except get busted and pose for one of our favorite celebrity mug shots.
DMX. See Crawford, Chace. Times 12.
Jenelle Evans. The Teen Mom 2 train wreck was seriously devastated by the condition of her probation that mandated drug testing for a whole year.
Snoop Dogg on 4/20Willie Nelson. On 4/30, Nelson will turn 79, or approximately how many times he lights up per week. Hey, at least he's totally up front about it.
Willie co-chairs the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and his recent bust sparked outcry from this gentleman right here ...

Snoop Dogg. Let's be blunt. Mofo is about to roll up summa dat dank ass sticky-icky-icky and get faded off the bubonic chronic right freaking now.
Honestly. The man may be a world-famous rapper and an early pioneer of an entire genre of music, but he's practically synonymous with weed and 4/20.
Nate Dogg. SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY! (RIP).Miley Cyrus Bong Video
Miley Cyrus. Okay, we realize it's unfair that the girl who tops our list wasn't even smoking weed, but rather a quasi-legal drug known as "salvia."
Nevertheless, "Miley Cyrus bong video" was the top search term on THG for like a year. so eat your Mary Jane-loving hearts out, Bobbi Kristina.
And Snoop and Willie. No one can touch Miles. No one.

Tupac Really Might Be Alive!

Conspiracy theorists? Take notice. This is the day you've been waiting for.
There is a very good chance Tupac Shakur is alive and well, and in hiding, according to the man who was with him during the (allegedly) fatal shooting.
Former Death Row Records kingpin Suge Knight came on 93.5 KDay in L.A. and threw gasoline on the fire of the urban legend that simply will not die.
Tupac Coachella PerformanceMaybe we weren't so far off after all when we posited that the Tupac hologram was the real deal. According to Suge, the rapper FAKED his own death.
Knight's theory on why the killer was never caught? There was no murder: "Maybe the question is ... Pac's not really dead ... Pac's somewhere else."
Asked if he ever saw Tupac's body following the 1996 drive-by shooting, he adds, "Nobody seen Tupac dead." Well, that's one way of putting it.
Suge Knight explains, "The person who supposedly cremated Tupac ... this guy got about 3 million dollars .. personally from me. Cash ... and next thing I know I never heard from the guy or seen him again ... he retired and left."

George Zimmerman Apologizes to Trayvon Martin's Family; Bail Set at $150,000

George Zimmerman Apology: I Am SorryA judge granted bail for George Zimmerman at a hearing in Florida today, during which the defendant apologized to the family of Trayvon Martin.
Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester set bail at $150,000, but would not allow his release immediately, citing further discussions needed about the terms.
Lester said that Zimmerman must not contact the victim's family; must wear an ankle monitoring bracelet; and adhere to a 7 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew.
The hearing took place just a few hours after the release of a bloody photo of George Zimmerman's head taken the night of the now-infamous altercation.
Some say the photo could bolster his claim that Martin was the aggressor that night, and that he shot the teenager as an act of self-defense.
In any case, the presumption of innocence was enough to earn Zimmerman bail.
The judge's order also states that Zimmerman cannot be in possession of any firearms and must not consume alcohol or controlled substances.
Taking the stand briefly at the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center, Zimmerman addressed the parents of Martin, who were seated in court.
"I wanted to say that I am sorry for the loss of your son," he said.
"I did not know how old he was," he continued. "I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. And I did not know whether he was armed or not."
Zimmerman said he had made a similar statement to police.
"I was told not to communicate with [Martin's parents]," said the 28-year-old, who was charged with second-degree murder in the February 26 shooting.
"I did ask [my attorneys] to express that to them."
Zimmerman has been behind bars since his arrest nine days ago. His attorney, Mark O'Mara, asked the judge to let him out of jail while he awaits trial.
O'Mara also asked the judge to allow Zimmerman to leave the state while wearing a GPS bracelet, and to keep his location confidential to secure his safety.
The judge said he will consider those requests before granting the release of Zimmerman, who will almost certainly plead not guilty in the case.
Martin's parents were in the courtroom, coming face-to-face with their 17-year-old's killer for the first time. They wept at news of the bond.
After the hearing, Martin family attorney Ben Crump said Martin's parents were "very outraged" at the results of the hearing. He said:
"It was devastating that [Zimmerman] got to give a self-serving apology to help get him a bond. Why is everybody protecting George Zimmerman?"

George Zimmerman's new photograph showing the bloodied back head

George Zimmerman, Bloody HeadA new photograph showing the bloodied back of George Zimmerman's head has surfaced, shedding new light on the controversial Trayvon Martin case.
Taken three minutes after he shot and killed Martin, the image gives possible credence to his claim that he fought for his life and acted in self-defense.
The revelation comes as his lawyer and prosecutors prepare for Zimmerman's first bail hearing today, which could result in his being released from jail.
Zimmerman, 28, is being held on charges of second-degree murder for the February 26 shooting of Martin, 17 which could carry a life sentence if convicted.
The graphic image, first obtained by ABC news, shows blood trickling down the back of George Zimmerman's head from two cuts after the altercation.
It also shows a possible contusion forming on the crown of his head.
Though the police video, taken hours after the shooting, did not show any obvious injuries, the original police report that night notes that the back of Zimmerman's head was wet, and that he was bleeding from the nose and head.
Zimmerman told police that night that he shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense after Martin punched him, pounced on him and threatened him.
Zimmerman says Martin was the aggressor and that he bashed his head into the concrete sidewalk inside the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Fla.
Zimmerman was treated at the scene by paramedics, then cuffed and driven to the Sanford police station. He was questioned for hours and released.
He was not admitted to a hospital or given stitches the night of the incident.
The photographer did not see the scuffle that night, but did hear it. The source saw Martin's body on the wet grass and claims the gunpowder burns on Martin's gray hoodie were clearly visible, indicating he was shot at very close range.
George Zimmerman Bloody Head Photo
The photographer says Zimmerman asked to call his wife. When the photographer asked what to say, Zimmerman blurted out "man, just tell her I shot someone."
ABC News reports that investigators have seen the photo.
"How bad could it have been if they didn't take him to the hospital [and] didn't stitch him up," Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump said in a statement.
He goes on to note that, "The special prosecutor has seen all the evidence and still believes George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin."
Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara says his client will be vindicated:
"He needs to get out. He should not be in jail. I want him out because I need him out. He wants to get out. His family wants it out. It should happen."
In a bail hearing in Florida, the burden of proof to deny bail, even in a second degree murder trial, is higher than necessary to seek a conviction in a trial.
If Zimmerman is released, his attorney tells ABC News that he has a number of potential safe houses prepared to shelter him. Stay tuned.

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson: "Engaged-Dating"

Controversial lovebirds Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson of The Bachelor fame say they are enjoying what they've come to call "engaged dating."
The way this season went, that's as good as one could hope for, if not better.
"We're still getting to know each other and taking it slow," Flajnik told People at a fashion show in New York. "[Things] are working out really well."
Courtney Robertson agrees, but says she still has a lot to learn about Ben.
Ben and Courtney
"It's nice to see him in social settings and with his family," says the model. "He is always the life of the party. He's got this great personality."
While the duo is looking forward to a summer filled with travel plans and wedding invitations, they won't be rushing down the aisle anytime soon.
"We're not even there yet," Ben Flajnik said. Added his fiance, perhaps the most reviled Bachelor contestant ever, "[We're] just enjoying each other."
Things are going swimmingly, though, save for minor hiccups. She's finding out what they don't have in common: He "hates bananas," she says.
But she has won him over with her favorite drink: "She's got me drinking those things," Ben says of the fermented tea-based beverage kombucha.
If that's their biggest problem now, they could prove a lot of us wrong.