23 Mar 2012

Courtney Robertson and Ben Flajnik: Staying Strong, Moving in Together Soon!

The Bachelor stars Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson are determined to make this thing work in spite of all the negativity - and they appear to be succeeding.
At least in the immediate aftermath of The Bachelor bloodbath.
Once host-pimp Chris Harrison coughed up and Ben re-issued the $80,000 Neil Lane ring to Courtney on the After The Final Rose special, they turned a corner.
Courtney says that despite the bumps in the road over the last few months, things are progressing nicely and she's nothing but optimistic for the future.
Julia Flajnik Photo
"We try not to pay attention to it," Courtney said this week of the tabloid scrutiny. "I guess positive stories don’t sell, so no one wants to run the truth."
However, it hasn't been all nude photo scandals, cheating rumors and hating. The general public, Court says, has been quite supportive in recent weeks:
“I just spent the weekend with Ben in San Francisco and people kept coming up, offering words of encouragement. So, things seem to be getting better.”
Courtney Robertson reiterated that she believes Ben did not cheat, saying "at the end of the day, if I didn’t trust him, I wouldn’t be with him, period."
“He trusted and believed in the real me. This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I found Ben; he made everything worth it.”

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