11 Apr 2012

Britney Spears to Join The X Factor For $15 Million, Sources Confirm

Britney SmilesIt's actually happening. Britney Spears is going to become a judge on The X Factor, with a deal pending to pay her $15 million for the role, E! News reports.
"Both camps were going back and forth on the money but now they have finally come to agreement on the fee," says one insider with knowledge of the contract.
"That was the big sticking point and now, thankfully, it's been sorted."
"All they need to do now is work out the smaller points. The fact the money is now set, means that there is nothing stopping this from becoming a reality."
Coming along for the ride with Britney is fiance Jason Trawick. A second source reveals that her soon-to-be husband will become a producer on the show.
The source says of Trawick, who will soon gain control of her affairs:
"Jason is expected to be there every day Britney is on set. He is her rock and will help guide her through the process. He is the person she trusts the most."
When final, the deal will make Britney Spears the highest paid judge on reality TV, eclipsing Jennifer Lopez's $12 million for American Idol Season 11.

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