11 Apr 2012

Mexico earthquake: Barack Obama's daughter escapes death

Barack Obama with daughters
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Washington, Mar 21: Daughter of the President of United States of America (USA), Barack Obama, Malia Obama escaped death on Wednesday, Mar 21 when a day ahead a major earthquake hit Mexico City.
Malia along with with her friends were on a tour in Mexico. Following the reports of 7.4 magnitude earthquake, media started reporting on Malia. However, later on the day, White House spokesperson informed that the daughter of the president is safe.The first lade, Michelle Obama's communications director Kristina Schake said, "In light of today's earthquake, we can confirm that Malia Obama is safe and was never in danger."A massive earthquake has struck Mexico city on Tuesday and is reported to be of 7.4 magnitude. The quake is believed to have struck at 12.02 pm at a depth of 17.5 km, Xinhua cited the US Geological Survey (USGS) as saying.

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