6 Apr 2012

Sarah Palin to Levi Johnston: You LIE!

Get ready for Sarah Palin vs. Levi Johnston, Round 289!
The former V.P. candidate claims her daughter Bristol's baby daddy is straight up lying with his recent claims that the Palins actively try to keep him from his son.
This all started after Johnston got Sunny Oglesby pregnant ... and accused Sarah Palin of hatching a plan to block him from Tripp, his three-year-old child with Bristol.
Levi's implied accusation didn't sit well with Sarah.
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In response to Levi's accusations about them, Sarah and Todd Palin issued a statement to TMZ (this story would be funny if it ended right there), saying:
"We have never hidden Tripp from Levi or discouraged Levi from spending time with him. Any suggestion we have is false and contrary to our core beliefs."
"The last time either of us recall a conversation with Levi was in the summer of 2010 when Levi sat down at our house with us and personally apologized about the lies he told to the media about our family. Neither of us have talked to him since."
"We're disappointed that he continues to spread falsehoods to garner media attention. We encourage Levi and all non-custodial fathers to be fully engaged and to positively, fully participate in their children's lives."

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