1 May 2012

Scandal-hit music teacher, 49, splits up with pupil he seduced when she was just 16, seven years after 'aberration' wedding

Split up: John Forrester, 49, was head of music at Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen when he started a relationship with choir-girl Claire Bennett, who was only 16A disgraced teacher and a pupil he married after an illicit affair, have split up after seven years together it was revealed today.
John Forrester, 49, was head of music at Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen when he started a relationship with choir-girl Claire Bennett, who was only 16.
Despite the controversy that surrounded their relationship - which ended his teaching career and turned her family against her - the couple married and have two children.
But speaking at her home at Auchenblae, Mrs Forrester told a local newspaper they were no longer together, and that her husband had moved out.
The 24-year-old said the pair were 'not on good terms.'
It is understood Mr Forrester has been staying for two weeks in a nearby property once owned by his wife's grandmother.
He has reportedly been spotted picking up his son from the home the couple once shared and taking him to school.
Mr Forrester has already hit the headlines this week as it was revealed that the former teacher, who turns 50 this year, has became secretary of the local parent-teacher council at Auchenblae Primary School after fellow parents voted him into the role.
The couple's relationship caused a scandal when it emerged in 2005.
Mr Forrester, then aged 44, had not long been reinstated to his post as head of music at Kincorth Academy after being investigated over an alleged affair with another teenage pupil while still married to his first wife.
He was cleared of any wrongdoing and allowed to return to his senior post under supervision.
Happier times: The couple with Erin, one of their children. Mrs Forrester told a local newspaper that her husband had moved out and the 24-year-old said the pair were 'not on good terms
However, when Claire, originally from Kincorth, joined his class and the choir, the pair started a relationship.
At first they chatted through mobile phone messages and this evolved into a relationship.
Mr Forrester quit his post so they could be together and the girl abandoned her studies and ran away from home.
They moved into a flat in Torry in February 2005 and got engaged two years later.
Officials at Aberdeen City Council reported Mr Forrester to police, sparking an investigation that resulted in him being charged under the Sexual Offences Act.
However, the Crown Office decided the case was 'not in the public interest' and did not prosecute.
The couple married in November 2010 at Ferryhill Church, but local newspaper Daily Record reported at the time that it didn't got as smoothly as the couple hoped -  Mr Forrester shouted and swore at photographers and chased one across the road, leaving his bride in tears.
A children's charity called the wedding an 'aberration' and said it went against 'moral codes of not only his profession, but of society'.
The couple settled in the Mearns village of Auchenblae with their two children, Erin, born in December 2005, and Andrew, who was born in January 2008.
It was reported that Mr Forrester took a job working in a local supermarket after leaving the school.
The pair met at Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen
The pair met at Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen
Mrs Forrester's mother, Shelagh Douglas, disapproved of the relationship from the start, saying her daughter had 'a lot of growing up to do'.
She said: 'I don't care if my daughter and John are still together in 20 years' time, I have never accepted the relationship and never will.'
They said they maintained their relationship, despite living in a disapproving community, because they loved each other.
Mr Forrester told a 2005 TV documentary, called Sleeping with Teacher: 'We knew it wasn't going to be easy and it hasn't.'
Determined: Mr Forrester quit his post so they could be together and the girl abandoned her studies and ran away from home. They moved into a flat in Torry in February 2005 and got engaged two years later

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